The Official Website...bow before us.

Stone Eagle Productions

A stone eagle….no relation.


And they said we would never update.  Here we are proving them wrong, once again.  Ok, granted it's been...well...years since we updated the website, but there is a damn good reason.  For instance, there was a troubling stain on the couch that we couldn't quite get out, even with club soda.  Martha Stewart can kiss our collective butts.   And, of course, there is the resurrection of Hal Jr.  That in and of itself is a whole year’s worth of trouble right there.  Honestly...The Matrix came out years ago, but he’s still going on and on about it.  Death to humans...glory to the machines...death Keanu Reeves.  Blah, blah,  blah.

The point is….well...we forget the point.

We are somewhat drunk at the moment, which makes remembering points, much less writing anything of great substance somewhat difficult. In fact, we're somewhat surprised that we've managed to keep things as coherent as they have been up to this point.  Perhaps the alcohol has sharpened our abilities.  Or is that what all people think when they're drunk?  Alcohol fueled delusions of the impossible becoming possible.  You know....right now Pauly Shore does seem to be an exceptional actor.

Dear God what have we become?

At any rate, once again we update the website by completely redesigning it in addition to adding new material.  This is to add a more respectable air to this venture, as we have expanded our services to more than just film production.  Everything is pretty much self-explanatory, so enjoy yourself as you wandered through these hallowed virtual halls. 

Until next time…

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